Pengoptimalan Black Berry agar tidak LEMOT

Pengoptimalan Black Berry agar tidak LEMOT
Pengoptimalan Black Berry agar tidak LEMOT

Selamat Malam untuk yang Hobi CANGKRUK di CANGKRUK AN . saya akan bagi - bagi Tips untuk pengguna BB (Black Berry) yang lagi Booming sekarang , Nah silahkan Check di bawah ini :

Tidak ada yang bisa menyangkal bahwa perangkat BlackBerry telah menjadi sebuah smartphone andalan bagi sebagian pengguna gadget. Keberadaan fitur BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor utama yang membuat para pemilik smartphone BlackBerry enggan berjauhan dengan perangkatnya. 
Namun terkadang, anda mungkin menyadari bahwa smartphone kalian tidak mampu beroperasi dengan semestinya. Bahkan terkadang, BlackBerry milik kalian mengalami proses booting yang lambat atau bahkan sering mengalami hang saat akan digunakan. Akibatnya, aktivitas kalian akan terhambat dan bisa mengacaukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudah terencana dengan baik.

Salah satu faktor penyebab BlackBerry beroperasi dengan lambat (anda mungkin akrab dengan istilah lemot), adalah terlalu banyaknya  file sampah (cache) yang masih tersimpan di memori BlackBerry. File sampah tersebut terjadi karena beberapa hal sebagai berikut;

  1. Messenger atau Conversation yang tidak ditutup (BBM, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, dll.
  2. Memori log event dan memori history browser yang jarang dihapus.
  3. Aplikasi yang berat atau aplikasi-aplikasi yang sering dibuka secara bersamaan.

Untuk mengatasi BlackBerry yang lemot dan sering hang adalah dengan membersihkan file-file sampah tersebut. Tetapi bagimanakah caranya? Simak beberapa cara yang cukup efektif untuk mengatasi agar Blackberry-mu tidak lagi lemot, berikut ini:
  • Cache Cleaning : Masuk ke “Browser”, tekan logo BlackBerry, pilih “Options”, pilih “Cache Operations”, lalu tekan semua tombol clear yang ada.

  • Event Log Cleaning Homescreen : Tekan dan tahan tombol ALT, tekan huruf L-G-L-G (secara berurutan), diikuti dengan menekan Logo BlackBerry. Lalu pilih “Clear Log” yang ditutup dengan memilih opsi “Delete”.

  • Memory Cleaner Options : Cari menu “Security Options”, yang dilanjutkan dengan opsi “Memory Cleaning”. Bila Jeruker melihat tulisan “Statu Disabled”, ubah menjadi “Enabled”. Perhatikan 4 baris dibawah menu “Memory Cleaning”, terdapat tulisan ’show icon on home screen’. Tekan dan ubah ‘NO’ menjadi ‘YES’. Tekan tombol “Return” (panah memutar), lalu save changes. Kembali ke “Homescreen” dan pilihlah ikon baru “Memory Cleaner” (mirip gambar printer).

  • Soft Reset : Tekan bersamaan tombol Alt – Caps atau tombol aA (sebelah kanan dekat tombol sym) – tombol del. Ini akan menyebabkan perangkat BlackBerry ter-restart atau reboot.

  • Hard Reset : Biasa dikenal pula dengan istilah cabut baterai. Anda bisa melakukan metode ini secara berkala setiap 2 atau 3 kali seminggu. Tindakan ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa tidak ada lagi energi/daya listrik yang tertinggal. Biarkan selama minimal 3 menit kemudian pasang kembali baterai.

Trojan Remover 6.8.5 - Portable Version

Trojan Remover 6.8.5 - Portable Version
Trojan Remover 6.8.5 - Portable Version

Di Malam yang dingin ini, saya Share sebuah Software yang namanya mirip Autorun Virus Remover, Yaitu Trojan Remover Portable. Ini merupakan Tool yang mungkin sangat berguna bagi Sobat. Karena Sofware ini membantu Sobat untuk mengusir Virus Trojan yang biasanya menjangkit PC. Dan menurut keterangan dari Trojan Remover Portable  ini, dia mampu membasmi Virus Trojan HorseAdwareWorm dan Spyware yang tidak bisa di basmi oleh antivirus lainnya, dikarenakan Software ini memang dirancang khusus untuk itu. Dan untuk bagian yang di Scan oleh Trojan Remover Portable.

Trojan Remover 6.8.5 - Portable Version

RAM Expander Apk Download

RAM Expander Apk Download
RAM Expander Apk Download
Requirements :- Android 2.3.3 and Up

Overview :-

The QM Launcher is an exciting new home screen, app launcher, and content organizer for your Android phone or tablet. “QM” stands for Quantum Matrix, a patented technology designed to store, manage, and quickly access all of your apps, photos, music, contacts, documents, and more! Check out our website for all the features, especially the User Guide under the Support page.
The QM Launcher eliminates the 2D panning and scrolling that is typical of panel-based launchers and home screens on the market today, and optimizes the use of your precious screen space. With the QM Launcher, you can organize an unlimited number of apps in an easy-to-use 3D cube. We call it the “Matrix”. By simply rotating the Matrix, you have immediate access to dozens of your favorite apps and multimedia content.
The QM Launcher also comes with a Widget Panel and Toolbar, allowing you to further customize your home screen. With the Widget Panel, you can easily adjust the size, and quickly add your favorite widgets wherever you’d like.
One unique and powerful feature of the Quantum Matrix is that any launchpad can represent a Sub-Matrix – a virtual pointer to another Matrix. This allows you to create a variety of hierarchical relationships. This construct is perfect for allowing one to store and organize large amounts of content, limited only by the memory capacity of the device.
In today’s mobile computing world, there are apps for doing just about everything. Unlike other home screens, the QM Launcher uniquely addresses the need to manage the ever-increasing number of apps and content we find on our smartphones and tablets.
A group of small companies got together to produce the QM Launcher, and we hope you find it enhances your productivity and the usability of your device. There aren't too many things you can control in the world today, but the QM Launcher is definitely one of them. We are passionate about creating new ways to interact with mobile devices, and we believe the QM Launcher is a revolutionary step forward. Simply put, the QM Launcher will make your Android device more fun and easier to use than ever before!
We hope you consider the QM Launcher as a replacement for the home screen you’re using now. This is our initial release of the app, so we will be adding more features shortly based on the feedback we receive. We invite you to explore all of the capabilities at Keep track of updates and product enhancements by following us @qmlauncher on Twitter, or on Facebook at qmlauncher.
Note: This software contains the following component licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0:

RAM Expander Apk Download

QM Launcher v1.3 Apk Download

QM Launcher v1.3 Apk Download
QM Launcher v1.3 Apk Download

Requirements :- Android 2.3.3 and Up

Overview :-

The QM Launcher is an exciting new home screen, app launcher, and content organizer for your Android phone or tablet. “QM” stands for Quantum Matrix, a patented technology designed to store, manage, and quickly access all of your apps, photos, music, contacts, documents, and more! Check out our website for all the features, especially the User Guide under the Support page.
The QM Launcher eliminates the 2D panning and scrolling that is typical of panel-based launchers and home screens on the market today, and optimizes the use of your precious screen space. With the QM Launcher, you can organize an unlimited number of apps in an easy-to-use 3D cube. We call it the “Matrix”. By simply rotating the Matrix, you have immediate access to dozens of your favorite apps and multimedia content.
The QM Launcher also comes with a Widget Panel and Toolbar, allowing you to further customize your home screen. With the Widget Panel, you can easily adjust the size, and quickly add your favorite widgets wherever you’d like.
One unique and powerful feature of the Quantum Matrix is that any launchpad can represent a Sub-Matrix – a virtual pointer to another Matrix. This allows you to create a variety of hierarchical relationships. This construct is perfect for allowing one to store and organize large amounts of content, limited only by the memory capacity of the device.
In today’s mobile computing world, there are apps for doing just about everything. Unlike other home screens, the QM Launcher uniquely addresses the need to manage the ever-increasing number of apps and content we find on our smartphones and tablets.
A group of small companies got together to produce the QM Launcher, and we hope you find it enhances your productivity and the usability of your device. There aren't too many things you can control in the world today, but the QM Launcher is definitely one of them. We are passionate about creating new ways to interact with mobile devices, and we believe the QM Launcher is a revolutionary step forward. Simply put, the QM Launcher will make your Android device more fun and easier to use than ever before!
We hope you consider the QM Launcher as a replacement for the home screen you’re using now. This is our initial release of the app, so we will be adding more features shortly based on the feedback we receive. We invite you to explore all of the capabilities at Keep track of updates and product enhancements by following us @qmlauncher on Twitter, or on Facebook at qmlauncher.
Note: This software contains the following component licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0:

QM Launcher v1.3 Apk Download

Night Camera+ v2.10 apk download

Night Camera+ v2.10 apk download
Night Camera+ v2.10 apk download

Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Capture high quality images in low light. Use your mobile camera everywhere, in any conditions, no matter how dark is it. Take sharp and noise free images. See the scene clearly with night vision viewfinder.

 No blur, no noise!
 Full resolution
 Advanced low light technique
 Location tagging
 Shutter sound can be muted
 Support for Flash on/off/auto

 You may think there is very little difference between a cell phone camera and a point-and-shoot camera. Nowadays, mobile phone cameras have enough megapixels. The phones have enough storage capacity. Even the lens quality is not as bad as before and can compete with low-end compact cameras.

 At the same time, a big gap still exists when it comes to the basis of photography – the light source. If you take pictures in daylight, you may be satisfied with the quality of mobile images. However, when you move to a less bright indoor environment, you start to notice the difference. Mobile images appear to have more noise, they are usually blurry and lack detail in shadows. Bright areas turn into pure-white spots. Faces seem unnaturally flat, especially when using a flash. Getting into a darker environment extends the gap. While images taken with a regular camera are not very good but still do show a scene, mobile images become unacceptably blurry and show almost nothing but smeared lights and the camera’s own noise.

 What's in this version:
 -Image processing enhancements

Night Camera+ v2.10 apk download